Crave Jennifer Anistons long beachy waves? Here are some tips to help you achieve this look at home.
Spray Bb. Thickening hairspray on your roots and ends of wet hair. Spray Bb. Surf Spray on the ends to add texture. Dry hair with a blowdryer until your hair is almost dry and put in velcro rollers, rolling up to your chin and let your hair air dry. If you're in a hurry use a blowdryer, let the rollers cool before you remove them. Another way to achieve this look is using the same products, blowdry hair until it's completely dry, then wrap random pieces of your hair around a large curling iron. Finish the look with a little more Surf Spray for more texture and Bb. Does it All Hairspray for a light hold. For extra shine mist some Bb. Shine on your ends.