Product Spotlight: Bb. Styling Lotion

Styling Lotion makes working with delicate or fine hair less risky. It is light, both in terms of hold and weight, and it makes hair less vulnerable by lubricating, detangling, and gradually strengthening. Consider Styling Lotion a multi-talented mist or as Thickening Hairspray's less-controlling sister; a gentle starting lotion for the uninitiated or naturalist.
Why: Gentle hold, lightweight, fewer tangles, less breakage, heat protection, strength
Who: Anyone; a good choice for fine, frequently styled, fragile or chemically treated hair
When: Anytime; after Prep or Tonic Lotion and before heated tools
How: Spray on damp hair evenly by sections. Work through and style.
Press Box: Diane Lane combines Prep with Styling Lotion. Courtney Cox, Jennifer Aniston and Lisa Kudrow became big fans on the set of Friends.

HAIR HOW TO: Fall Trends

Feeling bored with your regular old hair do? Here are some Fall Hair Trends that you definitely need to add to your regimen! From ponies to pomps, braids to buns no hairstyle was spared an overhaul for fall. The New Pony, Modern Big Hair and The Updated Updo are trends not only worth noting, but also worth wearing.

From sleek, straight and super low, to textured, high and tightly wrapped anything goes with The New Pony. Use Bb. Prep, Styling Lotion, Defrizz and Does It All to create these looks.

Slick hair back and secure with a hairband, rat hair in the back and spray with hairspray.

Modern Big Hair steals the show. Textured and teased or soft and flowing. No matter the look, when Modern Big Hair was created, Thickening Hairspray, Bb.Gel, Thickening Serum, Bb.Shine and Surf Spray were always part of the action.

The Updated Updo was caught up in the catwalk action. These classic coifs with experimental execution incorporate buns, twists and braids in looks that are often smooth and tight, and other times loose and messy. Use Spray de Mode, Bb.Gel and Hair Powder to make it all happen.

Come in today to try something new with your stylist!

Product Spotlight: Bb. Prep

We have started something new to go along with our Product Spotlights. We are giving you 10% OFF the product we spotlight for 1 week after the product has been posted! *Mention you saw this to get the discount*

Prep prepares hair by detangling, reveals texture, enhances the performance of styling products and quickly re-freshens already styled hair without weighing it down. It also helps the cuticle to lay flatter and make hair shinier and smoother.

Who: Anyone; best for 'virgin' (uncolored), ultra-fine, limp, relatively healthy hair.

When: When hair is damp to detangle and prepare hair for styling; anytime to dampen and reactivate products already in hair.

How: Spray liberally and evenly (it's impossible to use too much) on damp hair and work through.

*10% OFF expires October 12,2009

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